The communication

The “BIRDSONGS” project is a global concept. Just as most bird species are cosmopolitans, the theme of the violin concerto, the song of birds, is universal and present in every continental and national culture.

It is planned to present “BIRDSONGS” internationally on all available channels and media. All phases from the first steps of compositional development to the premiere and release of the recording will be documented in pictures, text and film and published in suitable media formats.

The goal is to develop a modern, holistic dialogue that is new and unseen in the context of classical music, appropriately conveying the subject matter of the music of “BIRDSONGS” to the outside world through the means of visual media, while raising awareness of the value and preservation of a healthy and enriching natural environment.

Responsible for the communication is Todd Schulz, co-founder of “Birdsongs” and for 15 years creative director and communication strategist for labels such as Deutsche Grammophon, Universal Music, SONY, Warner Bros, for leading artists of international classical music up to Rammstein. Previously, Todd was Executive Creative Director at leading international advertising agencies and responsible for global advertising campaigns for companies such as Adidas, Nike, Coke and others.